Organic September: What Is It and How Can You Get Involved?

Organic September: What Is It and How Can You Get Involved?

In this two-minute read, we look at ways you can go more organic at home. No pesticides, no chemicals, just some good old green-fingered fun!

Did you know this month is Organic September? No? Well, now you do! So, what is it and how can you get involved?

Organic September is a month-long campaign all about raising awareness of organic products and the people and brands who sell them.

 Grow your own

Whether you’ve got a big back garden or a windowsill, try growing your own veg or herbs. There are lots of DIY kits available and your food will taste better when you know you’ve grown it yourself.

Top tip: Invest in a tomato tower and see the fruits of your labour (see what we did there?) pop up in just a few weeks. Once planted, you can get your hands on your homegrown tomatoes in as little as 50 days.

Try a food box delivery service

Ask your trusted pal Google for your local Coventry ‘organic box delivery’ service and voilá! You’ll get a box full of the freshest ingredients delivered to your doorstep, ready for a healthy, greener meal.

Top tip: Food box deliveries aren’t as expensive as you may think, especially if local farmers deliver to your home (rather than just big brands). Lots of businesses offer great deals when you first sign up so get researching.  

Get your kids involved

Little ones love an activity, and what better than a few hours of muddy fun? There are lots of great options; from grow-your-own kids’ kits, to watching a potato sprout shoots before planting. Kids (young and old!) will be excited to get their hands dirty.

Top tip: Choose veg/fruit that go from seed to food quickly such as radishes, carrots, beans, and peas. Get your kids to keep a ‘growing diary’ so they can track progress.

Visit your local AREA farm shop

Not only are you guaranteed fresh produce, but shopping locally for your organic ingredients cuts down your carbon footprint, supports small businesses, and is more sustainable. Win-win!

Other easy ways to eat well and reduce waste:

  • Buy seasonal fruit and veg
  • Reduce meat consumption
  • Cook from scratch
  • Reduce food waste by planning your meals and using up old veg/meat

How will you be supporting Organic September? Let us know your top tips by emailing us at Bayzos.

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Mark Associate Director Bayzos
Associate Director
Working within the property industry for over twenty years there is a genuine pleasure in handing the keys and congratulating my clients and customers on their journey. Positivity, good health & exercise, happy families and really appreciating the world we live in certainly keep the smile on my face and energy flowing!