Baby Christmas

Why People Need to Act Now to Be in by Christmas

A two-minute read.

Sometimes we all must talk about things we feel uncomfortable discussing.

It could be with a neighbour whose parking is driving you to distraction.

Or your colleague who doesn’t know the meaning of leaving the work kitchen as they’d like to find it.

Maybe it’s the sweat-inducing chat about the birds and the bees with your growing children.

Whatever it is that makes you fidget in your seat at the thought of, rest assured at Bayzos we feel your discomfort as we are about to discuss … Christmas.

Before you douse us with the last of your summer wine or lecture us about it being the middle of September, please let us explain.

Today (16 September) marks 100 days until 25 December.

Let’s face it, 2020 has been a year most of the planet earth will want to forget so some festive cheer, no matter how far away it seems, will be a welcome relief to many of us. Even if we can’t celebrate with our nearest and dearest due to wherever we’re at with social distancing in December.

Some Good News

Psychoanalyst Steve McKeown stated that studies found that people who put their festive decorations up early are often happier than those who delay. So why wait until December?

In all seriousness, many people who are looking to buy a new home use the Christmas period as a space on the calendar to get things done by. We often hear people declare they want to ‘be in by Christmas’.

The thought of sitting on your sofa in your new home, watching the Queen’s speech with a sherry in one hand and a mince pie in the other, is appealing to many property seekers.

But if you want to turn that thought into reality, you’ll need to act – now.

By putting your home up for sale now, you give yourself a chance of being somewhere else by Christmas.

The second half of September is rated as a ‘good’ time to sell your home by the advice site And we agree with them.

The best-case scenario is that your sale and onward purchase (if there is one) are smooth ones, enabling you to make the 25 December deadline.

But even if you don’t wake up on Christmas Day in your new place, you’ll have given yourself a great head start to be in a new home for the start of a new year.

Whenever you are thinking of moving, we’d love to help you do it successfully.

Thanks for reading and this will be the last time we mention Christmas, until after Halloween at the very earliest, Scout’s Honour.

Thanks for reading

The Bayzos Team

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Mark Associate Director Bayzos
Associate Director
Working within the property industry for over twenty years there is a genuine pleasure in handing the keys and congratulating my clients and customers on their journey. Positivity, good health & exercise, happy families and really appreciating the world we live in certainly keep the smile on my face and energy flowing!